Ceiling in hong kong

Monday, June 26, 2006


guess what?

they suddenly decide to add in an extra program to go to ocean park on 30th june, the very same day that we are going disneyland!!


we want to go ocean park and they are paying for the tickets which is like 30SGD...but our disney tickets and hotel are already booked!!

how how how?


we go ocean park on friday and i drag kaimin along, with him camouflaging as one of us...hopefully they don't recognise him, if they do, at most he pay for his ticket lor...then after ocean park, we go to disneyland hotel stay overnight and saturday go disneyland...this sounds like the best so far...any ideas?

shopping in kwun tong on sunday

sunday, we went to kwun tong for outlets shopping...we found on the internet that there's this building that looks very run down but holds the adidas, nike, new balance, timberland etc outlets...wow...and it's true!! great for shopping, especially guys...i think hor, only the locals who lived around there knows the place...we didn't see any other tourists there...hee we are good!!

then we went to a famous shopping mall, APM...this photo below shows the KFC outlet where we had dinner and the lady in the middle is actually a staff there. she is sort of like a 'stewardess' (so we name her) for KFC...she greets the customers and shows them to their seats...

bought a lot of stuff there...i'm broke, now down to my last 102HKD...and i brought 4110HKD over!! but i spend 2000HKD on hostel deposit, top up CU link card, transport from airport and octopus card...so essentially, i spent like 2000HKD in a week? and the worse thing is, i didn't even buy much...spent so much on groceries and settling in stuff...and today is slacking day...no more money to spend so cannot go out...waiting for thursday for kaimin to come then i'll have money =P

school tour on saturday

saturday, went out with the school for a temple tour and a museum trip...we had vegetarian lunch at the temple...quite funny there because we managed to finish practically everything on our table and after the meal, we looked around and realised that on all the other tables, the food were only like half touched...and we were super amazed at how much we girls managed to eat so much, much much more than the guys...and i prayed for a divination lot at the temple for my family...but the lot wasn't too good according to the person who interpreted for me...but i think hor, he only say the surface, cause i read the lot and i don't think it sounded bad...after the temple, we went to the hong kong heritage museum...oh my, that place isn't like a museum at all...more like a shopping mall...the way the stuff are arranged are like so different from the singapore museums...i like this...it's the oldest artifact in the museum, i guess...dating back to the xia dynasty, about 3000 years ago...well, i don't actually like this a lot, i just put this here to spite my dear...this is a snuff bottle made from deer horn and only the very wealthy can afford it...
after the bus dropped us off at new town plaza, we went back to mongkok fa yuen road for intense shopping...haha...tiring...

tsim sha tsui on friday

friday, we went tsim sha tsui and had a sumptous dim sum lunch at a restaurant there...not bad, the food was pretty good and we all came out full and happy. and it's pretty cheap...about SGD 10 each for the whole meal...look at the spread!! and this is only a portion of what we ate...after lunch, we went shopping in tsim sha tsui where i think the prices are steeper than in mongkok...probably because tsim sha tsui is a tourist area...then we went to the famous avenue of stars in the evening...nothing much there, except for a lot of hand prints...and i don't know a lot of the stars there...there are also places for stars who have passed away, but what a pity they can't leave their handprint there anymore...the first thing i saw on the stretch is this...a statue in memory of bruce lee...lighting wasn't too good, so he turned out black...me and huiyi against the backdrop of seas, mountains and buildings...the scenery there is beautiful...me holding my hands against the prints of andy lau...haha andy lau's hands are so warm..5 crazy girls...i doubt you can see us clearly...me huiyi and qihui against the whole stretch of hand prints...the stretch is so long, it took us quite long to walk the entire route...a chinese tourist took this photo for us...and he almost scared me to death because he was pressing so hard down on my camera!!


snoopyland at new town plaza in shatin...isn't it pretty? haha...used to have admission fees but now is free..i guess people just don't see the need to pay to go in and see so little stuff ba..can you spot me? hee... we met a bunch of singaporeans there and they helped us take this photo...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

intense shopping weekend

when 10 girls get together in hong kong, what else can we do other than shop??

shopping madness started since friday when we went tsim sha tsui, a popular tourist attraction. hmm..there wasn't much to shop there since the prices are like more steep than mongkok and i didn't see anything i want. but, i saw the nike bag that i've been aiming in singapore...and it's almost half-priced!! so tempted to buy it then...but we are going to nike outlet today, probably will get a better price, so yup..

saturday went back to fa yuen road...we missed out on that street the other day cause we spent too much time in ladies street. and my goodness, the stuff here are much much prettier and cheaper than in ladies street...and i finally bought some tops...shit, running out of money already and still spending...haha practically everyone in the group is running out of money...i think after today's visit to the outlets, we'll all be broke. woo i hope the outlets will really be as good as we heard, cause it's in a ulu place and we estimate the journey to be at least 1 hour by kcr and mtr...

alright, going off for my brunch now...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

a nua-ing day

finally a day that i can slack and nua...after rushing around everywhere for the past few days, all 3 of us were tired and we decide to stay in hall today and rest, nua, sleep, watch tv etc...

yesterday had my first lessons, TCM in the morning and environmental science in the afternoon. 3 hours each...*faintz* i was practically sleeping through the whole 6 hours of lessons...they were boring!! both lecturers were reading off the slides *pengz* i can do that too!! and the class is small, 26 for TCM and 15 for environmental science. but the good thing is i don't think there's going to be any homework...'cause the lecturers said 6 weeks is too short for us to write any essays with substance. haha...i agree completely with them. and the final exams are all MCQ, true/false and short questions *grins*

after lesson, huiyi, hongxiu (a new friend) and i went to shatin where i bought a web cam. now i can see my dear and my dear can see me. and i want to try with my sis and mummy later, then they can see me too!! hee so happy...webcam is such a good invention! ooh and we found a bakery in shatin where the pastries only cost like 2 to 4 HKD each. i bought 4 for only 6.50HKD. so cheap!!

going to OAL to pay 1450HKD as hostel deposit later...siaoz liao...give them so much money then i no money to spend le...i've already like spend 1300HKD in the past few days buying essentials and stuff to settle in hall and payments to school and transport. i need more money!! else no money how to shop?? i have a lot of stuff to buy here...luckily kaimin is coming over next week, i can buy all and he can bring home for me...then at least, i don't have so much to carry home when i go back.

ok, think going out soon...be back soon!

Monday, June 19, 2006

a real post

finally have time for a real post and not just a display of photos...

these few days have been hectic...campus tour and admin stuff on the first day, orientation cum tour of hong kong island on the second day and intense shopping on the third day (yesterday)...

hong kong is very much like singapore in many aspects. the structure of the buildings are similar and the lay outs of the shopping centres remind us of wisma and marina square. but the weather here is hot...actually the temperature is around the same as singapore, but the sun here is simply glaring. don't know if it's because there are fewer trees here for shade or what...now i don't leave hall without applying sun block. i don't want to go home like a black charcoal.

shopping here is great. i bought a very pretty top for only around SGD14 and i'm sure in singapore, it would cost more than that. and there are halters going for 3 for HKD50 (~SGD10). and esprit here is cheap, the jeans and bottoms are almost half priced... so tempted...i'm sure i'll be buying lots and lots of clothes back home. but the food is not...the food here is the same price as singapore...

and guess what? we met mr felix lim, our physics tutor from NJC with his wife and family on holiday at mongkok last night (refer to photo below)...such a coincidence...he took the jet star asia saturday morning flight, we took the friday flight, else we could have been on the same flight!! and it turns out that 2 other girls shopping with us yesterday were also from NJC. singapore is a small place...or rather, i should say, the world is a small place.

wooh...sharon!! i missed you too...haha...in fact, i miss everyone back home, i haven't talked to xiaoxin yet!! i saw durians in the supermarket last night and i was reminded of the durians kaimin bought from geylang just before i came here...yummy...

oh, and i have to say...we have to pay for everything here...washing machine (HKD6), dryer (HKD4), air con (HKD1 per hour), shuttle bus (HKD1) etc...so let's not complain so much about NTU...

it's raining now, i've no idea how we are going to go to the wishing tree later...anyway, even though it's raining, it's still very hot.

starting school tmr...i hope the lessons won't be too tough and i hope there won't be much homework to do...i simply don't have the mood to do work after so many days of sightseeing and shopping.


the famous 女人街...a lot of shopping here!! bought quite a few items here...jo bought a lot!! think she amazed everyone by buying lots of tops...the night scene of the streets...and guess who we met here?? mr felix lim!! our njc physics tutor...such a coincidence hor...he's here on holiday with his wife and family...finally got to see what his wife looks like hee...and this is the esprit outlet at plaza hollwood...cheap cheap cheap...think i'll be buying a lot before i go back hee...

victoria peak

last stop is the peak...wow, very pretty scenery here hee...the breeze is very cooling and we can see big big birds flying very close to us at the peak...simply amazing...i think this is another place which we will go back to because we want to take photos of the night scenery and go to the wax museum...

next is stanley market

from the name, i figured it should be a street filled with stalls...i did not expect this...isn't the view beautiful??and we finally got to the real stanley market...a street market...hee no time to go in because we only have half hour there...think we have to go back some other day to shop.

repulse bay

in the afternoon, we went out for a short tour around hong kong island. first stop is repulse bay...the beach is not that big, east coast park is much bigger but it's cleaner and the waters are clear...but it's super hot there. the sand is burning and the sun is glaring...i don't understand how some people can walk around bare-footed, wearing only their swimming costume...this is a building i saw from the beach...i like the design of the building...it has a concave shape...a group photo of the three of us...can you feel the glaring sun?
another group photo, with some girls from NUS...

Sunday, June 18, 2006

lunch and welcome dinner...

saturday, we had our orientation...had an interesting talk about surviving in hong kong and CUHK, followed by a huge dim sum lunch...the food is super oily as many of them were ether fried or deep fried...you should see our plates as we eat, yucks...ooh and i learnt that the hong kong people have a unique way to wash their cutlery before they start their meals...
well, we did go to some popular/famous places in hong kong in the afternoon, but before that, take a look at our welcome dinner...it was at this chinese seafood restaurant but we didn't get to eat seafood except for prawns and fish...and there was a wedding banquet going on too, so it was pretty noisy.

the menu and part of the food...there was so much food that we couldn't finish and we didn't touch many dishes at all. my dinner table mates...fellow students from NTU and NUS and a professor...

well...the dinner was good, but i dropped my handphone in the restaurant. luckily, a student helper found it and i'm going to get it back tmr!! finally...i miss my handphone...

my hostel

finally reached CUHK and checked into my hostel...it's a pretty nice building with a sea view, but too bad, my room is not facing the sea!! oh, jo and huiyi are sharing the same room, i'm sharing with another girl from NTU but she's not here yet...i hope she cancels out last minute, then i can enjoy a single room for 6 weeks!! praying very hard...

this is the front view of my hostel, it's called 学思楼...very nice name...but hor, the guy's have a much more beautiful lobby!! the view from their hall is superb...

my room number...jo and huiyi stays opposite me in 206...the door lock was giving me some problem on the first night, think too long never use and it's rusty...luckily the auntie downstairs is very kind and she fixed it for me... my room...i'm taking the left side of the room and as you can see, the right side is untouched, meaning my roomie is still not here...i had a super tiring time cleaning up the room to my perfection...

alright, that's all for my room...

leaving for HK

16th june, at the airport...last photo taken with my dear. i start to miss him, xiaoxin and my mummy a lot the moment i stepped on the plane. and xiaoxin started screaming and crying like mad after i entered the departure, makes me feel so sad...haven't even left, but i'm missing her sayangs already...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

21 hours to hong kong

a blog specially set up for my 6 weeks in hong kong, so please read this blog while i'm away...will only revert back to my usual blog when i'm back on 1st august. log on for photos, photos and more photos...

hee...time seems to fly so fast. suddenly, half the holidays are gone and i'm leaving. and when i'm back, it's time to start school again. wow...in a blink of an eye...

i'll miss everyone and everything here...my family especially xiaoxin, my dear, all my friends, the food, my house, my bed, my clothes which i'm not bringing, the tv shows here (damn, they showing some good shows leh) and more...

anyway, let's hope huiyi, jo and i will have a fun, fulfilling and enjoyable trip!!

first things, let's hope we get to stay in the same room *prays*