Ceiling in hong kong

Saturday, July 08, 2006


side track a bit first...

1) if you think 8HKD for a bowl of plain rice is expensive, let me shock you with this...the record is now at 15HKD for a bowl. can you believe it?

2) happy birthday to both josephine and yinling...

ok back to macau...

went to macau on josephine's birthday (birthday celebration???)...super hot day with the sun glaring (what's so unusual about that?), but i like macau. the streets there are very pretty and i like the architecture. there are fewer people there too, so we don't see the crowds as in hong kong. there are a lot of baeutiful churches and unique temples too, every other turn leads you to a church or a temple. the only thing is the cars do not stop at the zebra crossings, so you have to simply cross at your own risk. ooh, and we went to one of the casinos where we all tried our luck at the jackpots. jo and i were not that lucky but hongxiu and huang ling both won a few dollars...

a few pictures...

me and huiyi at somewhere near the macau tower...we didn't go up because the entry fee costs 70HKD and we were simply not willing to spend so much. so we contend ourselves to taking lots of photos with it.

a group photo...
a guan yin statue that macau built in remembrance when it returned to china...
the famous trademark of macau...ruins of st paul...it's just a rundown wall...
and look at the back of the wall...you can climb up and look out through the 'windows'
and this is how far away from home i am now... looking forward to be back home in 24 days...


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