Ceiling in hong kong

Monday, June 26, 2006

school tour on saturday

saturday, went out with the school for a temple tour and a museum trip...we had vegetarian lunch at the temple...quite funny there because we managed to finish practically everything on our table and after the meal, we looked around and realised that on all the other tables, the food were only like half touched...and we were super amazed at how much we girls managed to eat so much, much much more than the guys...and i prayed for a divination lot at the temple for my family...but the lot wasn't too good according to the person who interpreted for me...but i think hor, he only say the surface, cause i read the lot and i don't think it sounded bad...after the temple, we went to the hong kong heritage museum...oh my, that place isn't like a museum at all...more like a shopping mall...the way the stuff are arranged are like so different from the singapore museums...i like this...it's the oldest artifact in the museum, i guess...dating back to the xia dynasty, about 3000 years ago...well, i don't actually like this a lot, i just put this here to spite my dear...this is a snuff bottle made from deer horn and only the very wealthy can afford it...
after the bus dropped us off at new town plaza, we went back to mongkok fa yuen road for intense shopping...haha...tiring...


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