Ceiling in hong kong

Monday, June 19, 2006

a real post

finally have time for a real post and not just a display of photos...

these few days have been hectic...campus tour and admin stuff on the first day, orientation cum tour of hong kong island on the second day and intense shopping on the third day (yesterday)...

hong kong is very much like singapore in many aspects. the structure of the buildings are similar and the lay outs of the shopping centres remind us of wisma and marina square. but the weather here is hot...actually the temperature is around the same as singapore, but the sun here is simply glaring. don't know if it's because there are fewer trees here for shade or what...now i don't leave hall without applying sun block. i don't want to go home like a black charcoal.

shopping here is great. i bought a very pretty top for only around SGD14 and i'm sure in singapore, it would cost more than that. and there are halters going for 3 for HKD50 (~SGD10). and esprit here is cheap, the jeans and bottoms are almost half priced... so tempted...i'm sure i'll be buying lots and lots of clothes back home. but the food is not...the food here is the same price as singapore...

and guess what? we met mr felix lim, our physics tutor from NJC with his wife and family on holiday at mongkok last night (refer to photo below)...such a coincidence...he took the jet star asia saturday morning flight, we took the friday flight, else we could have been on the same flight!! and it turns out that 2 other girls shopping with us yesterday were also from NJC. singapore is a small place...or rather, i should say, the world is a small place.

wooh...sharon!! i missed you too...haha...in fact, i miss everyone back home, i haven't talked to xiaoxin yet!! i saw durians in the supermarket last night and i was reminded of the durians kaimin bought from geylang just before i came here...yummy...

oh, and i have to say...we have to pay for everything here...washing machine (HKD6), dryer (HKD4), air con (HKD1 per hour), shuttle bus (HKD1) etc...so let's not complain so much about NTU...

it's raining now, i've no idea how we are going to go to the wishing tree later...anyway, even though it's raining, it's still very hot.

starting school tmr...i hope the lessons won't be too tough and i hope there won't be much homework to do...i simply don't have the mood to do work after so many days of sightseeing and shopping.


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