Ceiling in hong kong

Thursday, June 15, 2006

21 hours to hong kong

a blog specially set up for my 6 weeks in hong kong, so please read this blog while i'm away...will only revert back to my usual blog when i'm back on 1st august. log on for photos, photos and more photos...

hee...time seems to fly so fast. suddenly, half the holidays are gone and i'm leaving. and when i'm back, it's time to start school again. wow...in a blink of an eye...

i'll miss everyone and everything here...my family especially xiaoxin, my dear, all my friends, the food, my house, my bed, my clothes which i'm not bringing, the tv shows here (damn, they showing some good shows leh) and more...

anyway, let's hope huiyi, jo and i will have a fun, fulfilling and enjoyable trip!!

first things, let's hope we get to stay in the same room *prays*


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