Ceiling in hong kong

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

a nua-ing day

finally a day that i can slack and nua...after rushing around everywhere for the past few days, all 3 of us were tired and we decide to stay in hall today and rest, nua, sleep, watch tv etc...

yesterday had my first lessons, TCM in the morning and environmental science in the afternoon. 3 hours each...*faintz* i was practically sleeping through the whole 6 hours of lessons...they were boring!! both lecturers were reading off the slides *pengz* i can do that too!! and the class is small, 26 for TCM and 15 for environmental science. but the good thing is i don't think there's going to be any homework...'cause the lecturers said 6 weeks is too short for us to write any essays with substance. haha...i agree completely with them. and the final exams are all MCQ, true/false and short questions *grins*

after lesson, huiyi, hongxiu (a new friend) and i went to shatin where i bought a web cam. now i can see my dear and my dear can see me. and i want to try with my sis and mummy later, then they can see me too!! hee so happy...webcam is such a good invention! ooh and we found a bakery in shatin where the pastries only cost like 2 to 4 HKD each. i bought 4 for only 6.50HKD. so cheap!!

going to OAL to pay 1450HKD as hostel deposit later...siaoz liao...give them so much money then i no money to spend le...i've already like spend 1300HKD in the past few days buying essentials and stuff to settle in hall and payments to school and transport. i need more money!! else no money how to shop?? i have a lot of stuff to buy here...luckily kaimin is coming over next week, i can buy all and he can bring home for me...then at least, i don't have so much to carry home when i go back.

ok, think going out soon...be back soon!


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