Ceiling in hong kong

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

last post in hong kong

47 days of study and tour (well, mainly tour...) has come to an end.

hee...about 14 hours later, i'll be in the comfort of my home. so looking forward to going home and seeing everyone now...

last night, peiqi asked me if i would miss this place...

hmm...a little, i guess...i'll miss cuhk as the cuhk campus is so beautiful...but i probably won't miss hong kong that much...6 weeks here and i'm already quite sick of the place...the sales people are rude, people walking on the streets seem to be blind and they don't say sorry when they bump into you (and mind you, the bumps are painful!!), the bus drivers are impatient (and i heard are operated by the underground triads), the food here is expensive and really nothing much to rave about (except for a few delicacies) etc etc...

i think the only thing i'll miss is the shopping here...fabulous shopping...and all thanks to it, i'm having a hard time lugging everything back to singapore. i can't seem to pack everything in nicely and both my bags are so heavy, i think they'll exceed the weight limit. and jetstar only gives us 20kg each!! haiz...i really hope they won't exceed the limit...even if they does, exceed by a little only hor!!

that's all...cya back in singapore!!


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