Ceiling in hong kong

Thursday, July 20, 2006

damn pissed off...

sorry for the vulgar title...

but i'm soooooooo angry with OAL today.

haven't been blogging for quite some time, because i'm busy studying for my TCM exam which happens to be tomorrow morning. but i simply have to complain...

this girl from OAL stuck this note on my door today, asking me to move to room 305 (directly above me) by tomorrow!! reason? increasing number of exchange students in CUHK and lack of hostel rooms.


first, it's super late notice...and i'm having exam tomorrow.

second, i paid for the hostel room, the least they can do is to make sure i'm secured a room until at least the end of the summer term or until 9th aug which they promised.

third, i have only like 12 more days before i leave for singapore and they expect me to pack all the mess i have now and move to another room for 10 days?

go to hell...


i'll create havoc at OAL if it's the last thing i have to do, but I AM NOT GOING TO MOVE.

full stop.


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