Ceiling in hong kong

Saturday, July 29, 2006

new hair-do!!

jo, qihui, xiaohui and i went to highlight and cut our hair at a salon in mongkok...

and this is what jo and i looked like after the highlights...
do we look pretty?

everyone said mine is the best done among the four of us and that my highlights are good but my hair is so red now!! i wanted reddish brown, not red...but the hairstylist increased the dosage of my dye and it turned out red!! not at all like the sample i saw...i hope it wears off a bit, else it's really so flashy...but the hair cut is good...i really like the style of my hair now...

and jo did this colour and cut that makes me call her lion king whenever her hair is messy =P

great experience...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

exams over

finally both the TCM and environmental science exams are over...officially end of the summer school term...

happy that no more long boring lectures to sit through, no more days of agonizing over notes and more notes...


unhappy because, i didn't do very well for both papers...mainly because i forgot a lot of stuff and i tend to overlook small details which i didn't think they'll test us on...so i ended up guessing for most of the questions (all mcq), which is not goood!! sianz...i hope i'll scrape through both papers with a pass...please don't let me fail any...


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

some photos

well...haven't been blogging regularly lately...i have a final exam on thursday so now studying hard for it...already didn't do very well for my TCM module, don't feel like doing bad for this, especially when it's a science module...

pun choi during one of the school tours...isn't it big? we were all stunned and amazed when it came and practically everyone went 'wow'...and there are all sorts of food stuff inside... group photo with the big big bowl of pun choi...do you see how big it is?
and we went to the hang heng wife cake factory in yuen long to see the making process of the wife cakes...
had to wear masks in the factory to prevent contamination...can tell where i am? hee...and they were selling fresh wife cakes straight from the oven...haiz...can't buy then because it was still 2 weeks before my flight back home...but the hang heng wife cake is delicious!!had a farewell dinner last friday because some of the courses ended last thursday...buffet dinner at metropolis hotel...

see the guy in the middle? he's from my environmental science class...he's from USA, 31 years old and he works in antarctica!!my TCM class on a visit to a local TCM hospital...and that's my lecturer...
me at the famous tsing ma bridge...we walked a long way up to the viewing platform to see the whole view of the bridge...so amazed by the infrastructure of the bridge...do you know that it's hollow in between? there are roads underneath for cars to go in times of high winds or bad weather and the MTR runs through just underneath the bridge!! clever design...saves space and conveniently links lantau island to tsing yi...
qihui, felicia and i went for a pretty traditional dim sum breakfast at this 'liang xing lou' in central...it's really packed and we had to wait for quite some time before we found seats...hmm the food is only so-so but at least, we got a feel of the traditional yum cha instead of the restaurant form that we always go to...and i learnt a new skill of drinking tea from the uncles and aunties with whom we were sharing the table...
the golden cup at the golden bauhinia square...we walked a long way to see it...nothing fascinating though...it's just a cup that was made in memory of the return to china in 1997... alright, that's all for today...gotta get back to my notes now...

anyway, i don't have to move hall now...i went to OAL the other day and complained about it and insisted on not moving hall...i mean, there's really no difference in me moving in with someone i don't know or someone i don't know moving in with me...so, end of issue, i hope. =P

Thursday, July 20, 2006

damn pissed off...

sorry for the vulgar title...

but i'm soooooooo angry with OAL today.

haven't been blogging for quite some time, because i'm busy studying for my TCM exam which happens to be tomorrow morning. but i simply have to complain...

this girl from OAL stuck this note on my door today, asking me to move to room 305 (directly above me) by tomorrow!! reason? increasing number of exchange students in CUHK and lack of hostel rooms.


first, it's super late notice...and i'm having exam tomorrow.

second, i paid for the hostel room, the least they can do is to make sure i'm secured a room until at least the end of the summer term or until 9th aug which they promised.

third, i have only like 12 more days before i leave for singapore and they expect me to pack all the mess i have now and move to another room for 10 days?

go to hell...


i'll create havoc at OAL if it's the last thing i have to do, but I AM NOT GOING TO MOVE.

full stop.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

REAL seafood dinner at sai kung!!

after being conned for a couple of times by the school, we decided to go for some REAL seafood dinner on our own...

so off we went to sai kung, where the seafood is famous and supposedly a lot of celebrities go there...we were amazed by the large numbers of seafood restaurants we saw once we got off the bus. basically, the whole street is full of seafood and people trying to jio customers to go to their restaurants...and the view there is pretty...lots of boats and ships against the backdrop of mountains and sea...there is a lot street called 海鲜街 which houses all the seafood restaurants and it stretches long and far...and finally, we decided on this restaurant which we know andy lau has went to before...and when we stepped in, we found out that many other celebrities has been there too. look at our feast!! abalone, lobster, fish, prawns, crabs etc...all fresh from the sea. and the whole feast only costs 174 HKD each (there were 7 of us)...this is what i call a real seafood dinner, not like the seafood dinners which only serve fish and prawns that the school brought us to...and we saw several big big lobsters outside the shop and we simply had to take a photo with them...haha

Thursday, July 13, 2006

wwong tai sin temple and CUHK's energy saving project

the most famous temple in hong kong...wong tai sin temple...we went on the 17th of the lunar month and it was still pretty crowded. hmm...we didn't find anything extraordinary about the temple...the architecture was normal and it looks like any normal temple. i guess what's special about the temple is that many people says the deity here is very 'ling'... i drew a lot here and got an uncle to help me 'jie qian'...it was amazing, there were 2 stories full of small shops, each shop have an auntie or uncle to help you jie qian, read your palm, tell your fortune and all these stuff...it got us so confused too...

today's environmental science lesson was pretty interesting...halfway through the lesson, the lecturer took us out to lady shaw building and united college to see the solar panels and solar powered lights and hot water heaters.

this lamp is a very clever invention...it's solar powered and it lights us when there is no light shining on the solar cells at the top.

now, there's no light,
now, there is!! hahaha...and this fountain is powered by a solar panel at the back (refer to the photo below)...
and these are the hot water heaters...there are 11 sets altogether and they cost a total of 200000HKD, which i think is quite reasonable. there is little maintainence required and it does not cause any pollution...
a zoomed up photo of one of the solar powered heaters...each heater can hold up to 160L of water and the water can be heated up to 90 degrees...amazing isn't it? and the panel is so cleverly designed, with all the vacuums, metals, reflectors, angles etc...
my environmental science class...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

victoria peak

went to the victoria peak tower yesterday...initially planned to go to the wax museum and ripley's...but to our dismay, we discovered that ripley's had closed down, so we missed a chance to look at incredible stuff...nvm, the wax museum was pretty good too!! we took the peak tram to victoria peak...it came highly recommended by all and i guess you need to really go and take a ride in order to experience why it's so good...the buildings all seem to be tilted at an angle of 45 degrees...but it got me a bit nauseous too...some photos of us...

with the home alone guy...forgot his name le, culkin? he looks so young then...bruce lee!!
ooh...andy lau...and mr lky...
not to mention mr bae...and lots of others more...too many to post up here, so get photos from me when i get back...

and today, i got a surprise parcel from singapore...from my dear who sent me mentoes and pringles because i complaint that they are too expensive here...and a pooh cushion which i've no idea how he got from disneyland, hong kong...i was with him all the time and i didn't see him buy it!! hee anyway, thanks a million to my dear...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

lantau island

the most famous place in lantau island is disneyland...what's second?

it's the po lin monastry...the place where the world's largest bronze buddha statue resides...
doesn't it look magnificent?? and in order to get to the top, we have to climb up 260 steps...i guess it's a test of patience and devotion. it's real cooling at the top and occasionally, a mist will cover the head of the buddha. the place is peaceful too...and there are tablets under the buddha. we saw 梅艳芳's tablet there.
me and the great buddha...oh man, i look bigger than the buddha here...an image-less photo with our hair flying all over the place...after the visit to the second most famous attraction on lantau island, we went to the third most famous place - tai o village.beautiful village...not at all like run-down fishing village with sampans i had in mind initially. the place is clean and well maintained...and the view is so pretty, with the sea and the sky and the mountains...there are streets full of shops selling dried seafood...this kind of shops can be seen anywhere, everywhere...and we saw a dried shark hanging in the middle of the shop!!group photo just before we left to go to the most famous attraction on lantau island - disneyland...but don't be mistaken...the school doesn't have so much money to bring us to disneyland...they only brought us to the entrance to see the fireworks...

anyway, it was a very nice trip with beautiful, natural scenery all along the way...

tomorrow is sunday...but we are all broke (i'm down to 700HKD again!!!) and tired now, hence don't think we'll be going out...besides, we need to study!! exams in about 2 weeks time only!!


side track a bit first...

1) if you think 8HKD for a bowl of plain rice is expensive, let me shock you with this...the record is now at 15HKD for a bowl. can you believe it?

2) happy birthday to both josephine and yinling...

ok back to macau...

went to macau on josephine's birthday (birthday celebration???)...super hot day with the sun glaring (what's so unusual about that?), but i like macau. the streets there are very pretty and i like the architecture. there are fewer people there too, so we don't see the crowds as in hong kong. there are a lot of baeutiful churches and unique temples too, every other turn leads you to a church or a temple. the only thing is the cars do not stop at the zebra crossings, so you have to simply cross at your own risk. ooh, and we went to one of the casinos where we all tried our luck at the jackpots. jo and i were not that lucky but hongxiu and huang ling both won a few dollars...

a few pictures...

me and huiyi at somewhere near the macau tower...we didn't go up because the entry fee costs 70HKD and we were simply not willing to spend so much. so we contend ourselves to taking lots of photos with it.

a group photo...
a guan yin statue that macau built in remembrance when it returned to china...
the famous trademark of macau...ruins of st paul...it's just a rundown wall...
and look at the back of the wall...you can climb up and look out through the 'windows'
and this is how far away from home i am now... looking forward to be back home in 24 days...